You have booked throught the YBL onto a Basketball England technical course, referee or table, level 1 or level 2.


Before your complete your registration

Do not pay any fees while signing up! You have already paid the YBL.

You will need to use the course code provided to you.

Inside the form, in the first field. Select 'SCHOOL-COLLEGE-ACADEMY ORGANISED'

When asked ‘Do you know of any senior officials(s) who can assist you when you begin officiating?’ - Add ‘Yes. Through my club and the YBL Development Programme

Register for Hive Learning

You need to register for Hive Learning with the course code provided to you. Use the email address you use for your BE portal or exsiting Hive account. Or, sign-up for a Hive Learning.


Before your Assessment Games

Once you have completed all your Hive learning and the relavant exam you need to register as an official with Basketball England.
In your BE portal, select 'new licence'. Select either table or referee and the correct level.

Follow the onscreen instructions

Submit your Assessments

Lv2 TO
Game Assessment Form

Lv2 Referee
Game Assessment Form