We all have responsibility...

We all have the responsibility for safeguarding children - the objective is keeping children safe.

Working Together 2018 and the Childrens and Social Work Act 2017 provides statutory guidance, definitions and specifies inter-agency working to safeguard and promte the welfare of children.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as
- protecting children from maltreatment.
-preventing impairment of children's health or development
-ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and
- taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.


SC&W for the YBL

Safeguarding & Compliance for the YBL

Kim Accalia - 07507 557 642

You'll see I am a Director of the YBL and within my portfolio is Safeguarding. Within the West Midlands region I am the single point of contact for safeguarding for children and adults, sometimes refereed to as the DO (Designated Officer). I am also a member of the Basketball England's Safeguarding Case Management Group. My background is from policing, having over 32 years' expereience within public protection for both children and adults.

I offer advise and support to clubs, players, parents and leagues. I collate information for safeguarding complaints.

I am available to work with clubs and leagues within the area to assess and review current safeguarding policies and procedures.

Within basketball I am a coach, table official and referee. I played in local league for West Midlands Police and I am part of the Police GB Women's Basketball Team.


Useful documents



Useful numbers

Childline for children and young people
Visit the NSPPC Cyber Page
Think U Know
COEP Education - protecting children and young people online
Bullying and Online Advise


Advice & referals

Below you will find information for loacl authorites within the Region should a safeguarding conern be raised, and further advise is needed, or you make a referral. These could be concerns raised by a child, by what you have seen or observed. Please ring 999 if the incident is an emeregency or a child is in immedidate danger or immediate risk of harm.

Referals to the Loacl Authority Designated Office (LADO) should be made where there are concerns that someone who works with children may have:
a) Behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed, a child.
b) Possibily committed a criminal offence against, or related to, a child; or
c) Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates that they may pose a risk of harm.

I am happy to make any LADO refereals if the threshold for referral is met.


Chidlren's Advise & Support Service 01213031888
out of hours service 01216754806
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub 24hr (MASH) 02476788555
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub 24hr (MASH) 01332210008
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 03005550050
out of hours 03005558574
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub 24hr (MASH) 01452426565 (option 3)
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub 24hr (MASH) 01432260800
First Response Children's Duty Team 24hr 01163050005
Early Help Support. MASH & Child Protection 24hr 03001267000 (option 1)
Milti-Agency Safeguarding Hub 24hr (MASH) 03450507666
Sandwell Safeguarding Team 24hr 01215693100
Safeguarding Team 24hr 03456789021
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 01217884300
out of hours 01216056060
First Response Service 08001313126
out of hours 03456042886
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 03005552866
out of hours 03005552922
Front Door (Warwickshire Children & Families Front Door) 01926414144
out of hours 01926886922
Wolverhampton Safeguarding Team 01902551199
out of hours 0902552999
Family Front Door 01905822666